Secuoya Studios Stories, is a new creative area of Secuoya Studios devoted to the production and co-production of long-running fiction series. It will be runned by the Spanish producer Eduardo Galdo (Heridas, Arrayán) who, together with a team of scriptwriters with extensive experience, such as Lele Portas, will exclusively develop projects for the Hispanic market and will lead the production and co-production of adaptations of great international hits.
“Eduardo Galdo’s experience in the design, creation and production of long-term fiction content is undeniable, with thousands of episodes of some of the longest-running national productions in the history of Spanish television. We are happy to have him join Secuoya Studios and we are convinced of his formidable contribution to the consolidation of the studio as the benchmark factory in the development of Spanish-speaking content for the global market,” said Raúl Berdonés, executive president of Grupo sequoia.
Galdo assured that all his expectations regarding the integration into Secuoya Studios have been exceeded. “It’s the best setting a showrunner could dream of. It covers any need that you can think of to better tell your story, it gives you the opportunity to establish synergies with the companies in the group. This is a real 360º creation! If we were asked to define the objective of the new Secuoya Studios Stories, it is easy: to captivate the hearts of the 600 million Spanish-speakers with great stories.”
Among other lines of action of Secuoya Studios Stories, there is the intention to bid for the rights of literary works to make their audiovisual adaptation; analyze the original projects of independent scriptwriters aiming to launching the project jointly or after acquiring the IP, addressing other successful streaming formats such as biopics, and creating stories in house.
Galdo joins the studio’s creative team made up of David Martínez and Pablo Barrera (Fiction), Eduardo Escorial (Unscripted) and Eduardo Campoy (Cinema).
He will be in charge of the first collaboration agreement between Secuoya Studios and the Turkish production company Ay Yapim, which will jointly promote the co-development, co-financing and co-production of 50% of the Spanish-language versions of the great Turkish global hits.