Somos Distribution presents new Turkish soap operas, movies, documentaries and formats in NATPE 2015

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 8 de enero de 2015


Somos Distribution will be attending NATPE 2015 with its most varied catalogue to date and featuring the most sought after genres by programmers in the market like telenovelas (emphasizing on some of the most fresh and exciting Turkish telenovelas), documentaries, formats, variety programming, scripts and movies. Somos Distribution has obtained the distribution rights for some of the biggest hits in Turkey like Kacak and Can’t Run From Love which complement the hits Ezel and Kuzev Guney. The production quality, locations, talent and deep story arches have been combined to produce ratings success in several international markets. “We are very excited about the success this type of content has exhibited and we are expanding our catalogue in order to satisfy the demand for finished product as well as scripts. We are also incorporating La Riera, the soap opera from Catalonia that became one the biggest ratings successes in recent memory,” said Francisco Villanueva, Somos Distribution’s VP and COO. As a result from deals signed during MIPCOM, Somos Distribution will also be offering documentaries from CCTV, A Bite of China (8×50’), Tea, Tale of a Leaf (8×50’) and Silk Road (8×50’). As a special offering, Somos Distribution is also featuring Secretos, a fiction production that was developed with some of the highest quality film look and talent, and Milagros which tells stories about how the power of faith is able to manifest itself in the world. Always maintaining a fresh format catalogue, two new shows coming from Sparks Network have been added: Ultimate Brain and Crack Them Up.The company also has added titles like The Maid, Dummy, Camino del Vino, Bala Mordida, Big in Japan, Pete Small is Dead, among others, to its large selection of movies. These titles reflect the joined efforts with key distributors Shoreline Entertainment and Outsider Pictures.The NATPE catalogue will also include MegaTV variety shows like Bayly, among others.

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Se celebra el 70 aniversario de la publicación de Pedro Páramo, la novela de Juan Rulfo recientemente llevada a pantalla por Netflix. A propósito de ello, anuncian proyecto para fortalecer a la industria del cine al sur de Jalisco.
