Sony Pictures Television: Paquita la del Barrio is the first bioseries in which the tribute character takes part

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| May 2, 2017

Paquita witnessed the launch of the series based on her life

Imagen TV launched on Tuesday, April 25, at 8pm, the series Paquita la del Barrio (70×60’), based on the life of this Mexican singer, who was the guest of honor in the official presentation, where she sang some of her musical themes. She assured that the series depicts only a part of what her life is, which she will later write about in a book.

“I am moved to see the work on the screen. My life isn´t only what is shown there, I have overcome many things. I started without anyone´s support, no money, only my sister, arriving in Mexico to work. The things we couldn´t tell here, will later be published in a book that I am preparing,” explained the singer, who approved the job done by Andrea Ortega-Lee, the actress that plays her.

Marcel Ferrer, executive producer at Sony Pictures Television, says this story is inspired in the life of Paquita, “it has a lot of her story, but around it, we created many fiction stories in order to nurture it, although the main line is her entire life. We achieved a very well-made product, that includes the participation of the real Paquita, so this is the first bioseries in which the tributed character takes part,” commented Ferrer.

Aurelio Valcárcel, director of Fiction at Imagen TV, assured that “this is the company’s third production. This project will allow us to continue working with Sony/Teleset,” and added that for the remainder of the year they will make three productions more.