Sony/Teleset: Shark Tank is an authentic program that highlights each country’s values

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| February 15, 2018

Andres Barragan SonyTeleset

Andrés Barragan, who has been in the industry for more than 20 years –15 in Teleset, a Sony company— has performed as Format Entertainment director, responsible for the making of Shark Tank Mexico and Shark Tank Colombia.

Regarding the latter, he highlights “The nicest thing this program has is that it manages to be authentic in every territory where it is, the same as the conversation that takes place with entrepreneurship and sharks. It is very local and nice to watch.”

“Something I like about Shark Tank is that it gave me the opportunity to return to the field, next to the cameras. I spent 15 years on the creative and production side. Now, I have the opportunity to direct the format and be able to have that technical field conversation I love, because it is immediate and creative input on what we are doing,” comments Andrés Barragan.

Regarding the new entertainment formats, Andrés comments that there is no unique guideline and that this allows a boom in television formats, such as live ones, that open a door to the variety of things that can be done in a studio, with or without an audience. Survival, challenge, and music formats for cable channels also remain strong.

Shark Tank Colombia will be launched on February 23 on the Sony channel.

Diario de Hoy (15)