Spanglish Movies: Capitán Avispa has the potential to be the biggest release in the history of Caribbean cinema in Mexico

22 de mayo de 2024

The premiere is scheduled for this Thursday, May 30th, in all major cinema chains and independent theaters across Mexico

Spanglish Movies, with the support of CNMG Distribution, is bringing the animated film Capitán Avispa to Mexico. This is the first production by singer-songwriter Juan Luis Guerra, featuring a cast that includes the voices of Guerra (Leo Vespa, Juan Miel Guerra), Juanes (Sergeant Sting), and his wife, actress and model Karen Martínez (Jimena), Joy Huerta (Honey Bee), and Luis Fonsi (Capitán Avispa).

The premiere is scheduled for this Thursday, May 30th, in all major cinema chains and independent theaters across Mexico.

“We are deeply proud to bring the film Capitán Avispa to Mexico, a production of Dominican national pride, made with the support of DGCine, which will become, with the help of Claro, the biggest release in the history of Caribbean cinema in Mexico,” expressed Gustavo Aparicio, CEO of Spanglish Movies, to PRODU.

The story is inspired by the song Las Avispas by Juan Luis Guerra, who is also the producer and writer of the film. The direction is handled by Jean Gabriel Guerra, Juan Luis’s son, along with Jonathan Meléndez.

The story of the film centers on Avispatropolis and the Kingdom of Honey, which live in harmony in the hive, protected by the hero of both, Capitán Avispa. However, the evil Hornet Jaques Venom and his henchmen plan to end this peace and take over both colonies. It all lies in the hands of Captain Wasp, who will defend his own at all costs, with nobility, justice, and innocence, summed up in his battle cry: “Strong and brave, never lies!”

Diario de Hoy

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2025


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