Spanish producer Sergio Agüero: With Campanario I’ll be looking in LatAm for formats, books, scripts and movies to adapt for the U.S. general market

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| December 5, 2014

As part of his new partnership with the Los Angeles production house Campanario Entertainment, Spanish producer Sergio Agüero’s main responsibility is to search for intellectual property that can be adapted for the U.S. Anglo market.“We still don’t have any projects to announce, but we’re actively looking for formats, books, scripts and movies that the Dávila’s (Jaime Sr. and Jaime Dávila Jr., owners of Campanario) can adapt into series for broadcast and pay-TV in the U.S.,” Agüero told PRODU.Agüero has already been involved in similar projects where Spanish-language products are adapted for the general market, such as the Catalonian series Pulseras Rojas –with Red Band Society for FOX-, and TVN Chile’s Gen Mishima for NBC (has not yet aired).“I believe Latin America has a new generation that is developing content for film, TV and digital, that works well for the Anglo market. We’re not going to limit ourselves to formats, which are typically controlled by the big media groups. We will also look for original ideas, scripts and independent books,” added Agüero.He’ll be present with Campanario at Natpe 2015 looking for ideas to develop.Agüero was enthusiastic about his partnership with Campanario, explaining they share the same vision and passion about “showcasing Latino creativity worldwide.”“I think Campanario and I complement each other well. I come from the world of scripted content, whereas Jaime Jr. has a background in realities and Jaime Sr. wrote the book on Spanish-language TV,” he added.

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