Telemundo: El Secreto de la Familia Greco is a story with its own identity

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 4 de noviembre de 2022

Pablo Culell y Sebastian Ortega de TSS/Underground Producciones

The miniseries El Secreto de la Familia Greco, the second production of Telemundo Streaming Studios/Underground Producciones for Netflix is an adaptation of Historia de un Clan -based on the life of the Puccio Clan in Argentina- will premiere this Friday the 4th. “It is not a literal adaptation. Is a story with its own identity. They are two totally different series, while not glossing either of them. It is a powerful story,” pointed out Sebastián Ortega, SVP and Creative Director, Telemundo Global Studios (TGS) and showrunner and Pablo Culell, Executive Producer.

Ortega and Culell participated in a virtual panel together with part of the cast and technical team. The group included the talent led by main actors Fernando Colunga and Lisa Owen along with Manuel Masalva, Luís Machín, Samanta Siqueiros, Rafael Ferro, Antonio De La Vega, Carola Reyna and Alejandro de Hoyos; the director Alejandro Ciancio, the producer Leandro Culell and the writer Alejandro Quesada.

They highlighted that one of the relevant merits of the miniseries was that it was made during the pandemic and with many restrictions in Argentina.

For Colunga, who plays the role of Aquiles Greco, it is “a very complicated character, so distant from me that it involved a challenge. I had to prepare both physically and mentally.” He indicated that he did previous research based on fact and familiarized himself with the work done previously by Ortega and director Ciancio.

Ortega stressed that all the interior scenes were recorded in a real house. “We found a location, a house that was preserved as of the 80s. You can breathe that period of time just by crossing the door. Having spent so many weeks recording there, helped the director and producer find that vibe felt with the program.”

Alejandro Quesada, who wrote the adaptation, commented that they added new story lines to the original version adding something social: the police universe, the change of the sports universe from rugby to polo. He explained that they chose to locate it in Jalisco, Mexico, because it is a city where people play a lot of polo.

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