Telemundo Internacional will be presenting their screening for the first time at Natpe Europe

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 19 de junio de 2015

Marcos Santana, president of Telemundo Internacional

Telemundo Internacional will be presenting their screening for the first time at Natpe Europe, one of the most prestigious television events in the region for Central and Eastern European market. With this presentation, clients will be able to enjoy from the company’s exclusive listing.“This screening in Prague marks a historic milestone for Telemundo Internacional in Europe. We’re one of the few distributors that have maintained an important presence in the region, despite the challenges the industry has faced in the past few years. With this event we hope to recognize our clients that have always trusted in our product,” said Marcos Santana, president of Telemundo Internacional.Telemundo Internacional’s listing is headlined with its most recent production from Telemundo Studios, Under The Same Sky, a love story which depicts the pursuit of happiness millions of immigrants face when they arrive to the United States in hopes of a better life. Starring Gabriel Porras and María Elisa Camargo, this telenovela brings to the screen a contemporary take on the classic story of an impossible love that has to overcome many obstacles for its happiness.As part of the Super Series listing, Telemundo Internacional will be presenting the third season of the successful series, The Lord of The Skies. During the screening, they will announce upcoming Super Series premieres.For the romance genre, Telemundo Internacional will present Land of Honor, the newest adaptation of Telemundo’s successful telenovela, Hidden Passions, currently on air in the United States.This year, Telemundo Internacional will be located in Suites 1017 and 1019 at the Hilton Prague Hotel, in Prague, with a team led by its president, Marcos Santana, and composed of the executives Xavier Aristimuño, SVP International Business Development and Digital Media, Karina Etchison, SVP of Sales in Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Melissa Pillow, VP of Sales in Europe, and Olimpia Del Boccio, VP of Marketing, Press and Promotions.

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