Telemundo Studios: Mariposa de Barrio was possible thanks to a wonderful team

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| June 8, 2017

Carmen Cecilia Urbaneja, Senior Scripted Production VP at Telemundo Studios

Only two weeks before finishing the shooting of Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de Barrio (90×60’), Carmen Cecilia Urbaneja, Senior Scripted Production VP at Telemundo Studios, admits the project would have been very difficult to accomplish “without the wonderful production team. It is one of the most committed team works I have seen throughout my career.”

Urbaneja praised the work of all the áreas and especially mentioned art, makeup and costume for the detailed work of recreating four decades of Rivera’s life. “It is going to be pleasing to see Jenni’s life since she was born, her growth. It is very moving.” She added.

The production will debut on Telemundo in the US on Tuesday June 27, at 8pm.

“It has been an important challenge. We come from making mostly novelas and superseries, but this biography thing is new for us. More than a biography, we think of it as a tribute. We were very inspired by Rossana Negrín’s script,” she expressed.

She highlighted that 60% of the series was made in exteriors and 40% in studios. Along with Urbaneja, David Posada and Carlos Lamus worked as producers.

Regarding the performances, she highlighted that it was possible to convey “the energy of this amazing woman whom those of us who work in this production ended up admiring.”

“The musical work is strongly based on Jenni´s original themes. We have incidental music from Alberto Slezinger’s Personal Music, which also helps us tell the story,” she concluded.