TelevisaUnivision: Preparing for election coverage with remote, virtual production, and satellite Internet

Carlos Aguillón| May 31, 2024

Elías Rodríguez: We are continuing with a very busy year, with major events ahead, the most immediate being the elections in Mexico on June 2

TelevisaUnivision is gearing up its technological arsenal for the upcoming elections in Mexico, scheduled for June 2. With a combination of remote production, virtual production, and satellite internet, the company is well-equipped to deliver real-time updates from key locations across the country.

“We are continuing with a very busy year, with major events ahead, the most immediate being the elections in Mexico on June 2. For this coverage, we have been preparing for months, from the necessary virtual studios within the operations center to all the logistics of units in multiple remote locations throughout the Mexican Republic. Virtual Production will be crucial for the studio where the anchors will be, but for the locations where the reporters will be stationed, we are utilizing all the technology we have, plus what we recently acquired. We will use the type of infrastructure we have always used, such as webcams, LiveU, TVU, or Dejero equipment,” said Elías Rodriguez, general director of Content Creation at TelevisaUnivision.

He added, “For events like this, our existing infrastructure is not enough, so we rent the necessary equipment. We combine this with our usual satellite infrastructure, fiber, and even microwave, but especially, we will be using the well-known Starlink satellite internet technology again.”

Regarding the new technology to be implemented in production centers, Rodríguez mentioned, “Speaking of elections, we continue to work with the stYpe tracking brand, which has helped us create all the tracked virtual sets. We are working with the latest version and preparing our team with Unreal software, to minimize time spent on the sets,” he concluded.

Diario de Hoy (15)