The strategy with digital platforms is working

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| July 10, 2020

Patricia Jasin de Azteca Internacional

Patricia Jasin, VP of TV Azteca Internacional, shared on #PRODUprimetime with Richard Izarra what she feels the path and the future of distribution are going to be. “The digital platform strategy has worked well for us. We are also entering the game of technological allies”.

The executive explained that aside from the platforms, they have partnered with technology companies that provide solutions for the screens or telcos, such as AT&T, Movistar, and Huawei: “Having content from TV Azteca preloaded on all these devices allows us to open the game”.

Their strategies include preparing a virtual event of their own, where they will show the company´s offer through experiences. The launch will be in the last weeks of July.

Watch interview with Patricia Jasin from TV Azteca Internacional on #PRODUprimetime with Ríchard Izarra

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