Tim Davie appointed new BBC director-general

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 9 de junio de 2020

Tim Davie de BBC Studios

The BBC Board has appointed Tim Davie as the 17th director-general of the BBC. Davie who is currently Chief Executive Officer of BBC Studios will take over the role from Tony Hall on September 1st.

The director-general of the BBC is the Corporation’s chief executive officer and editor in chief; this person is responsible for the creative, editorial and operational leadership of the BBC within the United Kingdom and around the globe.

Sir David Clementi, Chairman of the BBC Board, says: “Tim has a strong track record as the CEO of BBC Studios and is one of the most respected names in the industry. His leadership and experience, both outside the BBC and within, will ensure that we are well placed to meet the opportunities and challenges of the coming years. We know that the industry is undergoing unprecedented change and the organization faces significant challenges as well as opportunities. I am confident that Tim is the right person to lead the BBC as it continues to reform and change.”

Davie, commented: “I am honored to be appointed the BBC’s next director-general. This has been a critical time for the UK and these past few months have shown just how much the BBC matters to people. Our mission has never been more relevant, important, or necessary. I have a deep commitment to the content of the highest quality and impartiality. Looking forward, we will need to accelerate change so that we serve all our audiences in this fast-moving world. Much great work has been done, but we will continue to reform, make clear choices, and stay relevant. I am very confident we can do this because of the amazing teams of people that work at the BBC.”

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