TV Azteca: Rosario Tijeras 2 is an example of powerful contents in Azteca Siete’s new strategy

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| August 23, 2018

Presentacion Rosario Tijeras

For Azteca Siete, Sony Pictures Television and Turner Latinoamérica, co-producers of the second delivery of Rosario Tijeras, this content is the opportunity to continue boosting local original production, assured executives from each of the companies during the official presentation of the series that will be launched on Monday August 27 at 10:30pm on Azteca 7 and August 28 at 11pm on TNT.

“This season we will see a woman who is more empowered and unshakeable. We are happy to have this product on our signal–that is focused on dramas—because we are interested in reaching the audience with powerful contents that have a high emotional level, and Rosario Tijeras is an example of an explosive series,” commented Adrián Ortega, director of Azteca Siete.

Meanwhile, Anna Bond, SVP and general director of Production at Sony Pictures Television Latin America, highlighted that this alliance is an example of the projects that are coming, “with lots of action, and high-value. In this story we will find an empowered woman who will face many obstacles, looking for the way to get out of crime and resolve the difficulties she brings,” she added.

Finally, Marcelo Tamburri, VP, Fiction Content Development at Turner Latinoamérica, mentioned this series is the tip of the projects they will work on jointly, since “the company has centered its production focus in Mexico. For those of us in content production and development, to come across this production is amazing”.

Diario de Hoy (15)