TV Azteca: The crisis allows modifying processes

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| March 26, 2020

Patricia Jasin de Azteca

Patricia Jasin, VP of TV Azteca Internacional, assures that due to the crisis over the coronavirus in terms of distribution, they are choosing from their catalog what could be used to supply the channels whose daily production is affected to fill those spaces, even if it is just temporarily.

She is particularly concerned over the value of the dollar, because “it is affecting international prices a great deal and it is necessary to see how the economy adapts”. However, she maintains a positive outlook and states that the crisis also allows modifying processes and policies to achieve more efficient and agile structures.

The executive explained that they are not expanding their library, but curating the contents they have to offer them. Regarding remote sales, she does not consider these a challenge: “We have and have always had a very good mechanism. Technology allows showing, negotiating, seeing each other, watching links, and accessing material”.