Underground #1 boutique production company in the region

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| September 10, 2020

Marcos Santana en entrevista con PRODU

“Underground as an independent fiction production company as I see it, due to its size and features, is the #1 boutique company in the region,” said Marcos Santana on #PRODUprimetime with Richard Izarra when referring to the first year after the acquisition by NBCUniversal.

“It is a company that in barely 15 years developed more than 70 fiction formats in short and long series, documentaries, and feature films; their last film was in co-production with El Deseo: Almodóvar, El Ángel, a lovely film nominated by Argentina to an Academy Award”.

Regarding its founder, Sebastián Ortega, he expressed: “Underground has 40 creatives, each one better than the other, and at the top, my great friend Sebastián Ortega, with whom I have always had a very dynamic creative relationship since before Underground started. We get along perfectly well, we have the same vision regarding Latino content, where it is where it should go. We have always agreed on this aspect. It was natural union, for us to work together”.

Sebastián, now director of Development at Telemundo Global Studios, will contribute to the design of short series, as well as long ones and superseries. He will spend some time in Buenos Aires and some time in Miami.

“We are proud to count with the presence of Sebastián on our work table, giving his input and bringing his ideas to the table,” detailed Marcos.

Watch the complete interview of Marcos Santana on #PRODUprimetime

Diario de Hoy (15)