Univision Network announces the premiere of the epic series El Rico y Lázaro, a compelling story of romance and intrigue set in Babylonian palaces on January 15 at 8pm ET/PT (7pm CT) and thereafter Monday through Friday in the same timeslot.
Inspired by the biblical parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man, El Rico y Lázaro unfolds in two mayor storylines. The first unfolds when the Egyptians held tribes from the ancient Kingdom of Judah captive in Babylonia. After defeating the Egyptians, The King of Babylon, Nabucodonosor II (Heitor Martinez), takes the throne of the vast empire. During his reign, he transformed the city into a jewel of the ancient world, building the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon for his wife, Queen Amytis (Adriana Garambone).
The second story follows the lives of three childhood friends: Asher (Dudu Azevedo), Zac (Igor Rickli), and Joana, played by Brazilian actress Milena Toscano.
Created by Paula Richard and produced by Casablanca for Brazil’s Record TV (La Tierra Prometida, José de Egipto, Moisés y Los Diez Mandamientos, Los Milagros de Jesús, and El Rey David), the El Rico y Lázaro international cast also includes Christine Fernandes (Semiramis), Sthefany Brito (Nitocris), Angelo Paes Leme (Nebuzarada), Denise Del Vecchio (Elga), Lucinha Lins (Zelfa), and Paulo Figueiredo as Zadok.