Univisión changes strategy for 10pm slot to counteract La reina del sur

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| March 10, 2011

Triunfo del amor extends its broadcast to two hours, from 9pm to 11pm

Starting this week, Univisión extended to two hours the broadcast of Televisa’s novela Triunfo del amor, which used to air from 9pm to 10pm. It will now run until 11pm, placing it in direct competition with Telemundo’s newest production La reina del sur, which had a very successful premiere week.In order to execute this strategic change, Univisión had to shift all programming slated for the 10pm block, which includes Don Francisco presenta and the series Mujeres asesinas.A spokesperson for Univisión said to PRODU: “This change is because we are constantly looking for ways to deliver to our audience and to adjust our programming to be responsive. This change is part of our ongoing commitment to our audiences.”

Diario de Hoy (15)