Vasallo Visión Group’s Cinema Arts uses Blackmagic Cintel film scanner to restore Mexican film classics

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| March 3, 2016

Over the last three years, Cinema Arts has restored 1,000 of the 2,000 films stored in the Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar vault, from 35mm to full HD

Blackmagic Design tannounced the Cintel Film Scanner was used by Cinema Arts, a subsidiary of the Vasallo Visión Group, to restore more than 20 Mexican film classics for distribution on Spanish-speaking channels Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar.Also owned and operated by the Vasallo Visión Group, Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar feature a number of movie genres, including comedy, classic western, drama and action from the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s, streamed in HD over cable platforms DirectTV, AT&T, Verizon, Cox and Frontier, as well as America TV and Canal 41 Miami. Cinema Arts, which is located in Mexico, was tasked with bringing the channel’s large volume of Mexican 35mm film classics to digital HD. “It’s not just about restoring a film. Our goal is to present the highest quality and be faithful to its artistic and historical work as envisioned by the original producers, directors and screenwriters,” states Cinema Arts CEO Carlos Vasallo.Over the last three years, Cinema Arts has restored 1,000 of the 2,000 films stored in the Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar vault, from 35mm to full HD, with a goal to complete the HD migration before the end of 2016 with help from the Cintel Film Scanner. Cinema Arts invested in the Cintel Film Scanner, one of the first owned in Mexico, to meet the accelerated timeline. “With Thunderbolt support and seamless integration with DaVinci Resolve Studio, the Cintel Film Scanner offers a much faster film restoration workflow than comparable products. Within the first few weeks of owning the system, we were able to successfully restore more than 20 movies. That’s more than twice the speed in which we had been restoring the previous films,” notes Vasallo.