VePlus´ content and programming strategy gaining terrain

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| August 11, 2020

Jonathan Blum de Cisneros Media

According to Jonathan Blum, president of Cisneros Media, the strategy in Latin America and US Hispanic with the signal VePlus is bearing fruit.

“We are very happy with the terrain we have gained. In the US, the content and programming strategy is working effectively,” mentioned Blum and added that their position has consistently been rising every month, to the point that in the last quarter they came in eighth place in Altice´s Latino package, above important brands.

In Latin America, they recently entered in Peru, where Telefónica´s commercialization arm, Media Networks, will be in charge of the signal`s ad sales.

“We continue growing in distribution and programming the genres that have more demand: talk shows, novelas, and varieties. We launched two telenovelas in July: Los Misterios del Amor and Para Verte Mejor. We are still producing a lot of specials. We’ve managed to migrate the production of many of the shows to talent homes,” he explained.

This is the case of Los Astros, which is now produced from the home of the host Meredith Montero, as well as of the space Front Row Style and Más Plus.

Additionally, VePlus is producing the new edition of Más Allá de la Belleza from the home of the host and the Quinta Miss Venezuela on Venevision, with all the safety protocols. “Being able to add fresh content to the channel constantly, despite the pandemic, has reflected on the tune-in results. We are adapting to the new times,” emphasized Blum.

Diario de Hoy (15)