ViX+: Mujeres Asesinas is a franchise with great potential to extend to more episodes

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 9 de noviembre de 2022

Foro Elenco Mujeres Asesinas VIX

ViX+ presented the most updated and Mexican version of the series Mujeres Asesinas, original by Marisa Grinstein, starring Yalitza Aparicio, Claudia Martín, Sara Maldonado, Catherine Siachoque, Jedet, Barbie Casillas, and Nicole Curiel. It gives voice to women subjected to different types of violence that drive them to decisions that mark their lives. The eight-episode series, produced by Plétora Productions, premieres this Friday the 4th on the platform.

“A little over three months ago we launched ViX+ with the promise of telling Latino and Hispanic stories and becoming the only large-scale platform 100% dedicated to this market. Today we are releasing an iconic series Mujeres Asesinas, which a decade ago was disruptive and created a genre. Now hand in hand with Plétora as the production house, we are able to offer it on the platform”, commented Rodrigo Mazón, EVP and general manager of ViX+.

Francisco Casasús, the producer of the series, mentioned that this new installment began developing in 2017 when they began looking for new cases in Mexico. “Most of the previous cases were from Argentina and written by Marisa Grinstein, who was also involved in this new version. We wanted to use Mexican cases, so we approached an association that cares for women in prison and we offered them legal advice. They presented us with several cases and we then approached ViX+ with a proposal of telling these Mexican stories with a different visual language that is allowed in platforms like ViX+,” he said, in addition to mentioning that today TV does not have the censorship it did10 years ago, but there is a “more mature audience that demand stories more attached to reality and that showcase a psychological transformation of women forced to make a fatal decision.”

For this season, eight cases were selected out of 25 presented to ViX+ and which are told by their own protagonists, women in jail, and who’s stories became a script by the Spanish writer Alicia Luna.

Mazón added that a year before the launch of ViX+ they began looking for projects that could be part of their catalog. “We wanted bold stories and then this one came into our hands, which we immediately bought, and because of the rush we only did eight episodes. It’s a franchise with great potential for more chapters and gives us the possibility of bringing in great talent, who are part of unitaries with a common thread, that goes beyond entertainment addressing relevant issues told in a present-day way and that helps us to have a stronger impact on the audience.”

The eight leading actresses spoke about the characters they played and the importance of bringing these stories to platforms that reach the whole world:

“What matters is telling these stories. My character focuses on how a small problem can turn into something very big. Personally, for my role I leverage on my family and close friends, in addition to psychological counseling that we should all have to face different situations,” said Yalitza Aparicio.

The transsexual community is also addressed in the series performed by Jedet, who after her participation in the Spanish series Veneno promised not to play a trans character again. However, “I accepted this character because I informed myself and discovered that Mexico is the country with more transfeminicides happening and I felt that I should use my name and talent to raise a debate, hoping to contribute somehow in helping them to live normally and with dignity.”

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