Vme: Ecological content teaches children to act responsibly for the future of the planet

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| May 10, 2024

Doris Vogelmann, VP of Programming and Operations at Vme Media

According to Doris Vogelmann, VP of Programming and Operations at Vme Media, there is “definitely” an improvement in the offering and production of ecological content for the animation and children’s sector. “But I think there is still more to be done,” she points out.

Asked about the importance of ecological children’s content in Vme’s programming, Vogelmann indicated that “it is important to promote ecology and our responsibility for the sustainability of the planet. It is of utmost importance to have content that speaks of our responsibility and encourages children to be part of this effort.”

She added that just as children are taught their ABCs and how important it is to be a good person, “we trust that ecological content will show them – while they play and have fun – how to act as responsible individuals who care about the future of the planet we live on,” she said.

She emphasized that since the vast majority of environmental content is acquired, they do not have the opportunity to influence sustainability in the production process. “At the local level, at Vme, we take all available opportunities to work sustainably, from recycling, avoiding printing documents to using the cloud for video storage,” she commented.

She added that they don’t only program environmental documentaries during Earth Day. “Environmental awareness is important always. The future of the planet depends on our decisions, and instilling in children that small adjustments in our daily lives can help improve our environmental future,” she explained.

Diario de Hoy (15)