Vme Media: Mental health content becomes highly relevant for the teen and tween segment

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| October 19, 2022

Doris Vogelman Vme Media

Doris Vogelmann, VP of Programming and Operations, Vme Media, who is at Mipcom searching for preschool edutainment and STEM programming for Vme Kids and English-language content for teens and tweens for its Primo channel, commented that teen mental health issues have taken off. great importance after the pandemic.

“In the teen and tween part, I have been focusing more on mental health, which has become relevant after the pandemic especially in the US where many young boys have committed suicide. There are many very interesting series and I’m going for the most aspirational series, not so dark,” she points out.

She highlighted that pay TV has the challenge of attracting preschoolers and teenagers, because “children are now the ones in charge of the remote control, they have it on phones and tablets.”

She said that the strategy with preschools is to attract their parents to encourage children to watch TV while they are at home. “In the case of teens, tweens, it’s a little more difficult, but always looking for something that could be a hook that they can’t easily find on the Internet. Mental health issues are a way to lure the parents into offering children this type of programs that will help them,” she concluded.

Diario de Hoy (15)