We Love Entertainment: ¡Siéntese Quien pueda! is a wonderful show for streaming

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| February 10, 2023

Carlos Mesber We Love Entertainment

Six months ago, the production house We Love Entertainment launched ¡Siéntese Quien Pueda! the entertainment news and debate program on UniMás with excellent results. “ Our goal is to continue expanding the format in other Latin American countries,” said Carlos Mesber, CEO of the company, in an interview with PRODU.

He highlighted that the show is not only working on the television screen but also on YouTube. “We have more than 10 million monthly views, which is a lot for only having four or five months on the platform. That’s why we think ¡Siéntese Quien Pueda! is also a wonderful program for streaming.”

He mentioned that his production company has specialized in entertainment with celebrities, but with this program they also created a space where stars can talk about what matters to them and, based on that, they debate.

We Love Entertainment recently premiered on E! Entertainment the second season of Escuela Imparables, a female empowerment and entrepreneurship program, hosted by the Colombian Laura Tobón.

View EN VIVO with Carlos Mesber, We Love Entertainment and his show ¡Siéntese Quien Pueda!

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