With a casino night in Miami Beach, Comcast announces the arrival of Cine Sony Television to the Xfinity Latino package

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| November 21, 2013

Rubén Mendiola of Comcast with Superna Kalle of Sony during the event

With a casino night at the Delano hotel in Miami Beach, Comcast announced the launch of Cine Sony Televisión, which joins the Xfinity Latino package.At the event, where guests learned to play blackjack to win several prizes, the channel was introduced by Superna Kalle, SVP and general manager of Networks, and general manager of Sony Movie Channel, Cine Sony Television and geTV; and Rubén Mendiola, VP and general manager of Multicultural Services of Comcast.“Cine Sony Television focuses mainly on bringing Hollywood movies to the Hispanic audience. We also have a great partnership with Sony Music. In time, we will also offer original series, but we first want to see how the audience responds to the movies and music,” Kalle told PRODU.“We are very excited. After working hard towards this, we’re launching Cine Sony on Xfinity Latino everywhere Xfinity is available. It’s a movie channel where subscribers can get the best Hollywood films fully dubbed to Spanish,” said Mendiola.

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