Writer Leonardo Padrón: Streaming is where the ideal convergence of film and TV has taken place
Maribel Ramos-Weiner|
28 de agosto de 2024
Leonardo Padrón: Netflix is my ideal home
For writer and screenwriter Leonardo Padrón, streaming represents the ideal convergence of film and television. ‘It’s a privilege to be a part of this history, alongside so many others,’ he says. He highlights that streaming has been a significant evolution in the history of contemporary audiovisual storytelling, ‘as it has allowed for the seamless integration of cinematic language into the streaming world. On traditional television, there has always been more resistance to this union of film and TV.'”
Padrón, who has several projects in progress for Netflix, including Accidente which is already available on the platform, admits that Netflix is his ‘ideal home.'”
Padrón mentioned that he is working on another series for that platform.Accidentewas written in 2023. “I continue to write stories for Netflix, which I can say is my ideal home. Netflix has provided me with extraordinary creative freedom, which is the most valuable thing for a writer – having creative freedom, without restrictions or limitations in terms of subject matter,” he said.
The writer, who has had numerous successes on traditional TV, comments that this screen is filled with fears and prejudices. “I believe the beauty of streaming lies in discovering unexpected content, like what happened on Netflix a few months ago with Baby Reno. Even as a writer, I was pleasantly surprised by the wonderful way this story was told and how far it went! When writers find these stories, it fills me with joy, stimulates me, and makes me think, ‘Now there are no unexplored territories left in streaming.'”
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