Writer Martha Carrillo from Televisa: Mujeres de negro is an adaptation of the Finnish series Mustat lesket for the Latin market

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| June 17, 2016

Based on the Finnish series Mustat Llesket (Black Widows), Televisa began shooting its new teleseries Mujeres de Negro (50×60’), adapted by Cristina García and Martha Carrillo and produced by Carlos Moreno, which will debut at the beginning of August on El Canal de las Estrellas.“Mujeres de Negro is based on a Finnish series in a black humor tone; but in Mexico we adapted it to melodrama, with a thriller touch, a touch of love, morality and lots of action. It is a bet on a new way to do and write TV, with more reality, that will move us into a more real women’s world. These are women who suffer but are seasoned”, explained the writer Martha Carrillo.The original series was made up of 24 hours; however, Carrillo and García mentioned that a 50-episode version was made, and would be divided in 2 seasons, each one with 25 episodes, where they will “mix latino things that will allow us to delve further deeper into the characters. It will have as natural landscapes a town, a city and a home at the beach, created specially for this story”. The stars in this production are Ximena Herrera and Alejandra Barros. Arturo Peniche, Alexis Ayala, Mark Tacher, among others, also take part. It tells the story of three wives, whose lives change in seconds, when their husbands die together in an apparent accident. From that event on, the three will attempt to put the pieces of their lives back together again, starting on a path full of surprising and new situations.

Diario de Hoy (17)