Amir Kassaei from DDB Worldwide: The advertising revolution will not be digitalized

Manuela Walfenzao| 4 de junio de 2015

Kassaei: Como industria debemos dejar de creer en falsas ideas y enfocarnos en verdades relevantes

Amir Kassaei, CCO at DDB Worldwide, reflected upon false expectations that people have regarding technology and innovation in the advertising industry. For the executive, “the most important achievement in the history of advertising continues to be the creative revolution”.According to Kassaei, true innovation in the industry does not come from data, algorithms or technology. It springs from a simple and important fact: finding or creating a relevant truth, not just for the audience you are addressing, but also for the creative. “Big ideas that change behaviors only occur when they are grounded on a relevant truth. That is why they have such an impact on society and culture, and they add a value to people´s lives”, he explained.To find those truths, the CCO suggests seeking creativity, humanity and technology. That is where creative magic comes from. Kassaei comments that as long as there is a free market, there will be progress and new ideas will come to makes people´s lives easier, and that someone to connect those ideas with people will always be necessary. But the more connected people are, and the more access they have to technology, the more critical they will be of advertising. “As an industry we must stop falling for false ideas and focus on relevant truths. Ideas that are magnificent for a jury in a festival and have no relevance in the real world are no good”.

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