Andrew Speyer of Wing: 2013 must be a year of progress in digital and creativity

4 de marzo de 2013

Speyer: La integración debe darse con un cierto nivel de orgullo

Andrew Speyer, VP and director general of Wing in New York, gave PRODU a balance of the agency for last year, as well has his view of the Hispanic market as it stands right now.The creative said that day by day it is the level of creativity that sets some in the industry apart from others, and that Wing has a steady, consistent creative output.Speyer said that 2013 must be a year for making progress in digital and creativity. “I think the industry in recent years has been less successful in integrating with new partners than any of our clients have been. For a long time we’ve had to show that we’re working in an integrated, strategic way, and yet the media are drifting farther apart from the activities of creative agencies and public relations firms have grown in importance, mainly through their use of social media, which continues to involve more people.”“Hispanic agencies could have spent time in successfully integrating in all these areas and in assuming a leadership role. When you look at markets like California, Texas, Florida and Illinois, if you’re not present in the Hispanic market you’re not going to be successful there. Integration ought to give a certain degree of pride and our perspective should be part of the general conversation. I believe that’s an important step that many agencies are taking in 2013,” Speyer said.Sidebar: Andrew Speyer, VP and director general of Wing in New York, gave PRODU a balance of the agency for last year, as well has his view of the Hispanic market as it stands right now. Speyer said that 2013 must be a year of progress in digital and creativity, and that integration ought to give a certain degree of pride and the Latino perspective should be part of the general conversation.

Diario de Hoy

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2024


Comenzó la décima edición de SMARTFILMS con más de 1.200 cortometrajes hechos con celulares


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Roberto Stopello, showrunner y series developer de Netflix

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Natpe fortalece su propuesta como mercado con la incorporación de RealScreen Summit, dos mercados en uno, ambos a realizarse en la semana del 3 al 7 de febrero en el Hotel InterContinental de Miami. De esta manera, incrementa su propuesta de valor, al ofrecer un mayor acceso a distribuidores y compradores de EE UU y global, con el atractivo de nuevos contactos y negocios para el mercado latinoamericano. Otra ventana es que se distancia de Content Americas en el espacio de tiempo. Sobre estos temas habló en México José Luis Sánchez, gerente para Latinoamérica, EE UU y Global de Natpe Global, quien viajó a este país junto a César Díaz, en una cruzada de ventas y promoción del evento.

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