AT&T, HP, Verizon, Dell And Facebook Top Companies With Latin Inclusion At The 2017 Hispanicize Silicon Valley Ranking

Manuela Walfenzao| 6 de octubre de 2017

Ruiz: Nuestra relación con la HPRA se remonta a los inicios de Hispanicize

AT&T, HP, Verizon, Dell and Facebook are the Top 5 Companies for Latino inclusion and diversity of the inaugural Hispanicize Silicon Valley Ranking that were unveiled at Hispanicize L.A., the multi-industry Latino trends event that took place in Los Angeles.The ranking, timed to coincide with Hispanic Heritage Month, were compiled by a blue ribbon panel of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, academics, marketing professionals, non profit organization Directors and Journalists, as well as leaders from the Latino Business Action Network, the Latino Startup Alliance and Cal State Fullerton. Hispanicize 2018 Co-Chair Claudia Gonzalez Romo Edelman, a rising national Latina leader who recently received the Rainbow PUSH Coalition Multicultural Leadership Award, spearheaded this research.The methodology used to rank the companies included up to four sets of data to generate the results: corporate surveys, public information disclosed by the companies, news reports and Big Data analysis from CulturIntel. Of the 25 companies that were rated by the blue ribbon panel, only four participated in the call to complete a survey that requested each corporation disclose information about their U.S. Hispanic D&I efforts.The report ushers in a new era and opportunity for the Latino community.“These ranking is the first step for an evolving methodology and dialogue that we believe will help Silicon Valley measure but also activate their D&I efforts for Latinos in a credible fashion” said Romo Edelman. “We are calling on the tech industry to work collaboratively with us to improve the process and the methodology of this ranking for better results.”“We are now ready to galvanize our community’s media, organizations and elected officials to make sure Silicon Valley reverses its present course of inaction towards Latinos” said Manny Ruiz, Founder at Hispanicize Media Group and an organizer of the rankings. “From this point forward, we will unite our community’s media and voices to make sure this situation begins to change faster. We can’t afford to be left behind.”

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