Cancer Research Institute (Cri) Names Sociedad Agency For Hispanic Marketing And Pr Efforts

Liz Unamo| 8 de abril de 2021

Jorge Moya y Carla Trum Mercado

sociedAD, the full-service Hispanic marketing agency, announced that it has been named partner for the Cancer Research Institute (CRI), leading Hispanic marketing and public relations efforts. CRI, a non-profit organization spearheading transformative investigations to cure cancer by harnessing the power of the immune system, has selected the agency to kick-off the first ever in-language resource hub and Virtual Immunotherapy Patient Summit for the Hispanic community during this critical moment in science and research.“It is truly a pivotal time for cancer science and immunotherapies as well as racial health equity, and we are so excited to be partnering with sociedAD to bring our vast resources to the US Hispanic community in-language,” said Sharon Slade, CRI Director of Strategic Initiatives. “The Cancer Research Institute is in a unique position to not only provide tools to make it easy to stay up-to-date on cancer immunotherapy research and treatment, but also serve as a platform to connect patients with potentially lifesaving clinical trials. Information is a really powerful tool when being faced with a cancer diagnosis, and now everything will also be available in Spanish.” “As champions of this marketplace we are thrilled to collaborate with CRI to help serve the Hispanic community and not only create an online resource, but also plan the first Virtual Immunotherapy Patient Summit in Spanish,” said Carla Trum Mercado, Managing Partner, sociedAD. The Cancer Research Institute is dedicated to the field of tumor immunology and is producing immunotherapies that are extending and saving lives of all cancer patients. Providing information, education and support to patients and their caregivers bilingually is one more way to better serve the community. Chief Creative Officer Jorge Moya, “This effort will truly help patients and their caregivers by not only bringing this much-needed information to Hispanic families across the nation, but also connecting them to a community of inspiration and research on their cancer journey”.

Diario de Hoy

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2025


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