Carla Eboli from Dieste: Brands Must Embrace Cause Marketing Ideas With Authenticity

Manuela Walfenzao| 18 de noviembre de 2016

Carla Eboli, CMO de Dieste

For Dieste’s CMO, Carla Eboli brands that try to embrace cause marketing ideas without authenticity in their core values could fail, according to a post she wrote in Provoke Weekly. “They end up losing their customers’ respect and are highly criticized by consumers, influencers and media alike” she noted. However, Eboli refer to some brands/companies focused on tobacco cessation that are receiving a lot of attention from multicultural consumers, since the use of these products is growing among their youth. One example she gave was CVS, that saw the opportunity to stay true to their mission, paving the way for other brands to follow. The health and retail chain stopped selling tobacco products two years ago, giving up $2 billion in sales per year. For CVS, being purpose-driven is much more than a cause marketing strategy, they have embedded it in everything they do, wrote Eboli, quoting Norman de Greve, SVP, CMO of the chain. This earned the company being listed as one of the most innovative and admired in several business publications, and support from 40% more influencers. For brands to start embracing cause marketing ideas, apart from building their case and analyzing how the issue is evolving, they must be: authentic, relevant and engaging. “It is not about trends; it is about your core” she explained. Brands must find their cause and focus on building a relevant story, she said. And, finally listening to the audience to help understand what is relevant for them. “Once people feel like they are part of your cause, they will naturally embrace it” she concluded.

Diario de Hoy (15)