Carla Eboli from Dieste Will Be Among The #TwitterAwards Judges

Manuela Walfenzao| 22 de noviembre de 2016

Carla Eboli, CMO de Dieste

One of the Twitter Awards judges, Carla Eboli, started her career as a TV and print journalist in Brazil, went into PR, and was then lured to the U.S. to become Chief Marketing Officer at Dieste, a multicultural communications agency based in Dallas. Dieste is focused on Hispanic, Asian, and LGBT communities. Answering the question of what a multicultural communications agency does, Eboli says that it focuses on ethnic insights that might not be obvious to people in the majority population, in other words, one of the things Dieste does is make TV spots more interesting and relevant to people who come from a different cultural background.She says that technology has brought everyone closer and makes conversations easier. “You’re no longer just shoveling information for consumers to digest, they are also shoveling stuff back at you. They’re saying, ‘I like this, but not tha’. It’s creating a completely different environment” but it also makes the job harder. Brands need to be prepared to hear what customers have to say, but it doesn’t always happen. One thing on Eboli’s bucket list that she wants to accomplish in the next five years is the chance to drive a fast Camaro on a closed track. She says she and her husband travel all over the world to watch F1 races because she is a car aficionado and a Formula 1 race fanatic.

Diario de Hoy (15)