ChicaNOL gift guide for the holidays comes back to the market

Patricia Molina| 13 de noviembre de 2014

Para cerrar la celebración Termini presentará el Twitter partywith de la guía y un evento privado en un lugar íntimo

Again it’s that time of year when the actress and founder of ChicaNOL, Laura Termini, is on the green carpet to celebrate the holiday season with a great program of Influencer marketing, including a digital guide to gifts, parties and private events of the city of New York.With over eight million impressions in previous editions, the ChicaNOL guide is a bilingual proposal of products and content for the holidays, addressed to the whole family. Improved with hashtags and digital links, it remains as the only one focused on the multicultural audience and continues acting respectfully with the environment.To close the celebration, the artist will present the Twitter party with the guide and a private event in an intimate venue located in one of the most modern neighborhoods in the city of New York, where celebrities, media and bloggers will be participating.The event this year, called ChicaNOL holiday mixer & fashion show, will feature a fashion show and an open bar. The highlight of the evening will be a green carpet with a stand; an area for photographers, media partners and a team dedicated to media coverage of the event to ensure that brands have a massive projection during the days of December.The event will be held next December, 9th at the Hamlet’s Vintage, 146 W 4th St, New York, NY 10012 (West Village).

Diario de Hoy

jueves, 16 de enero de 2025


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Señor Dame Paciencia de Atresmedia

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