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Clara Aranovich of Nunchaku: We have to celebrate Latinos and their impact in North American culture

Manuela Walfenzao| 12 de abril de 2016

Clara Aranovich directed one of the most recent MLB spot for the Hispanic market {#PonleAcento;}. The #PonleAcento campaign aims to something that Aranovich shares as a Latina: “Celebrate Latinos and their impact in North American culture. Particularly facing the current political situation in which some presidential candidates are declaring that Latinos are rapists and criminals, as opposed to some of the world’s highest-paid athletes and CEOs, together with citizens that pay their taxes. Now this project has a greater meaning.”She told PRODU that the experience as one of the first women Director of a commercial for the major leagues meant a lot to her in a personal level. “I am not the first, nor shall l be the last woman Director saying that doing this job as a woman has some of the most monumental challenges – not because of lack of talent or skills-. Clients and agencies like MLB and LatinWorks have given me the big gift of allowing me to be the director I was born to become; to be able to work in a market that interests me a lot and not only in markets where narrow minded people feel comfortable with a woman Director” she explained. “Since I began in the spots’ world, I’ve always wanted to share my work with the passion for extreme sports and track and field. Finally having the opportunity with such an epic client like MLB is a dream come true. Growing up in the U.S. with baseball has made of this a very special assignment.”

Diario de Hoy

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2025


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Este 25 y 26 de marzo MIP Markets realizó en Medellín y Colombia dos encuentros con la industria, en los que reunió a 100 personas de unas 70 empresas. Manuel De Sousa, Partnership and Business Development Director de RX France, fue organizador del evento

Este 25 y 26 de marzo MIP Markets realizó en Medellín y Bogotá, en Colombia dos encuentros con la industria. Allí reunió a más 100 personas de unas 70 empresas. Manuel De Sousa, Partnership and Business Development Director de RX France, organizador del evento, explicó que ambos casos permitieron el networking entre empresas, tanto públicas como privadas. Además se analizó a fondo la situación de la industria en Colombia.


Vuelve al horario de la noche un drama cargado de intriga con Eres mi sangre, la nueva telenovela producida por Del Barrio Producciones para América TV, que estrena a las 9:40 pm, este martes 1 de abril. El lanzamiento se hizo el viernes 28 de marzo con todo el elenco en el canal.

Andrés Mendoza de WBD
Jen Salke Amazon mujer
Juan Pablo Santos de Mediapro US