Creyentes is the new independent, minority-owned and Latino-led creative and strategic agency

Liz Unamo| 17 de octubre de 2023

CREYENTES Agencia Creativa

The two co-founders of We Believers announced their new venture. The agency is born to help brands achieve real and accelerated growth, uplifting and inspiring the U.S. Latino community.The Latino side of We Believers, kicks off with the creative halo of the world’s most awarded independent creative agency in 2022, empowered with solid strategic thinking from some of the industry’s most recognized clients and consultants who will lead new projects. Believers will help brands navigate the confusion left behind by Total Market, which oversimplified and ultimately failed to deliver what it promised. The agency will be led by We Believers co-founder Marco Vega, a former P&G engineer and Mckinsey & Co. consultant, who will serve as president and Chief Strategy Officer of Creyentes, while Gustavo Lauría will continue to lead We Believers as president and Head Creative. Vega will continue to play the role of Co-Founder and Head of Engineering at We Believers, in the non-traditional ideas that have characterized the agency and require him to bring his expertise to the table.A key addition to the Believers team as its Managing Partner and Head of Brand Management is Julieta Loaiza, who excels in the art of leading high-performance teams and has demonstrated her leadership skills in both the U.S. and Mexico. She most recently spent 17 years on the client side at Nestlé US, first as Strategic Director of Communications and Multicultural, and then as Vice President of Marketing, at Nestlé in Mexico. The agency side of the business is no stranger to Julieta, as prior to Nestlé she held key positions at Grey, Ogilvy and Lowe.”We believe brands are best served by having partners with real consulting and customer service expertise to help them crack the code on the only true source of meaningful growth in a new America where minorities are the new majorities, led by the Latino community. There are too many inefficiencies and value lost by not having the right and difficult conversations from the start. Brands need more believers with whom they share values to grow together and fewer consumers who feel used,” said Marco Vega.While Lauría will participate as Head of Creative and co-founder of the new company, Creyentes will have a top creative duo at the top, including Marina Cuesta, formerly of Dieste and The Marketing Arm, and former We Believers EDC, Lucas Panizza. Julieta Loaiza added: “This is a moment that comes full circle in my career. When Marco and Gus approached me with the opportunity, I knew instantly that there is no player like us in the Multicultural Space right now to unlock the power of creativity with solid Latino-led business strategies to uplift the Latino community.” Creyentes is already developing its first projects with Fortune 500 companies in the United States. The creative work is expected to hit the market in early 2024.

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