DDB Becomes DDB&R To Honor Women

Manuela Walfenzao| 8 de marzo de 2017

DDB añadió el nombre de la primera redactora en jefe de la agencia, Phyllis Robinson

Phyllis Robinson was DDB first female Copy Chief, and to honor women in their day the agency decided to add her name to its door globally, becoming DDB&R. “To the countless women who continue to work incredibly hard for the agency she helped to build, here’s to having your name on the door one day” says a post at the agency website referring to Robinson. This change will include physical signage, email signatures, meeting rooms and the agency’s website. Additionally, this move will be supported by a social campaign celebrating Robinson’s career success by altering the copy on some of the agency’s most famous ads written by women. Three classic DDB’s ads will be changing. One for Levy’s created in 1970 that read “You don’t have to be Jewish to love Levy’s” says now “You don’t have to be a male, to change advertising.” While the 1960s Polaroid ad saying “it’s like opening a present” was changed to “it’s like revealing that a woman wrote one of your favorite ads.” And the third for Orbach’s reads today “we regret to inform you that not all advertising classics were written by men” and the original line read “We regret to inform you your school stuff is ready at Orbach’s.” The agency name change will be temporary, but DDB will add permanent quotes from Phyllis Robinson to the meetings rooms in each North American office, for instance one that says: “Do the kind of work nobody else is doing.”

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