Eric Tourtel of Teads: Our LatAm clients will have the option of limiting CO₂ emissions from their campaigns

Liz Unamo| 17 de marzo de 2023

Eric Tourtel TEADS

Efficiency can be considered a synonym of sustainability, especially for the Teads advertising platform that constantly innovates so its campaigns have a real, measurable impact on reducing its carbon footprint. With this goal in mind, the group has been working on two aspects: viewability and attracting attention. The first has to do with images that are visible on screens, thanks to their character and positioning. However, that doesn’t guarantee that users really see that advertisement, whereas the attention aspect speaks of an impression that captures the user’s attention for a determined amount of time. Eric Tourtel, CEO of Teads Latin America, explained that his team realized that an advertisement that wins people’s attention is on the average three times more efficient than an ad that is simply visible. “So if we achieve billions of views (20B in Latin America alone) that we serve clients buy optimizing the attention we win from them, we can divide by three the number of views and, consequently, the volume of emissions,” he said. This isn’t a small thing considering the 4 percent of total carbon emissions that digital advertising sets loose in the atmosphere. Tourtel announced that very soon his Teads Ad Manager (TAM) platform in the region will incorporate the measurement of views in real time. “They’ll be able to create a campaign and we’ll give them a report on the attention that said campaign wins, something that no DSP (digital signal processor) on a global scale or no partner gives you. What we do is report directly the metrics of attention that a particular ad or campaign achieved.” He explained that they do this through an association and direct integration with Lumen, “the greatest on a global scale and the only one that I know of in LatAm.” Once they have run this attention-measuring model through a representative number of campaigns, they’ll be able to set new guidelines. “With a strong historical record above all, we’ll be able to optimize campaigns based on attention and related to carbon emissions,” he said.But also through TAM in the near future will be activated the option of limiting emissions at the campaign level. “Between 70 and 95 percent of our billing goes through TAM (without counting Brazil and Argentina), which is to say, almost everyone buys Teads through TAM, and we work with all the largest clients in Latin America. For which we’ll be able to have a very clear view of what is happening at the attention level, at the emissions level, etc., and we’ll be able to establish benchmarks and report both to brands and to the press and to whoever wants to know,” Tourtel said.He added that this information can be crossed with the data they manage. “We know what people read because we read 100 million pages a day, and since we can compare it and then do an extrapolation to get a prediction of carbon emissions. In the end, the carbon is simply a consequence of the emission.

Diario de Hoy (15)