FIAP- Carla Eboli of Dieste: I hope to see campaigns that promote engagement and change

Manuela Walfenzao| 13 de mayo de 2016

Dieste’s CMO, Carla Eboli is the Jury President of Public Relations at the 2016 Ibero American Adverstising Festival (FIAP). About this responsibility, she told PRODU she hopes to give the necessary inspiration to the jurors, without losing perspective. She preffers to define PR for what it’s not, rather than limiting it to an enclose definition. “The PR category is difficult to judge, it’s maybe the most difficult of all due to the wide nature of this discipline. Lines are blurry. As Jury President you want to make sure that the category framework is well defined, but also enable it to stretch enough to allow jurors award the most innovative and creative piece” she said. Eboli’s expectations are high. “I hope to see great creative pieces, the innovative use of PR principles (authenticity, transparency and credibility) and campaigns that promote engagement and change. And most important: campaigns having PR at its core, not as a last minute idea.” She also added that she would enjoy seeing small agencies submitting their innovative work, because for her, good ideas can come from anywhere.

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