FIAP Face to Face Webinar: Creative Women’s Circles give an example of the organization and creative drive in Latin America

Josefina Blanco| 11 de abril de 2023

Face to Face Webinar 11 Abril de 2023

Crerative Women’s Circles (Circulos de Creativas) have been growing in Latin America to the degree that more and more women enter the industry and demand equality with men in their number, positions and salaries. But it doesn’t stop there. The ladies have gone beyond demanding their rights by setting examples of organization and drive in regional creativity, according to what may be learned from the debates in the most recent edition of FIAP Face to Face Webinar, “Connecting the creatives of Latin America: A look at Innovation and Creativity.”. The meeting, held within the Ibero-American Festival of Creativity, #FIAP2023, is the first round of Creative Circles and other creative conferences in the region. The second will be next May 9. This round had the participation of Favio Encinas, executive creative director and founding partner of Rock and Roll and director of the Bolivian School of Creatives; Nelson Moya, DGC associate of Havas Costa Rica and member of the Community of Commercial Communications Companies of Costa Rica; Beca Amagada, senior creative copywriter of McCann MW and of the Creative Women’s Circles in Chile; Belen Arregui, president of the Creative Women’s Circle of Ecuador; Pancho Gonzalez, co-founder & chief creative officer of Inbrax and president of the Committee of Digital Creativity at IAB Chile; Virgilio Flores, creative director of Alma DDB and president of US. Creatiive Circles; and May Vera, social media lead at Selva Buenos Aires and founder of the Creative Women’s Circle of Argentina. Moderation of the organization is a function of Mara Fernandez, associate editor and senior director of PRODU. “It’s not just a question of whether you’re a woman or a man, but rather something more global…What we do with Creative Women’s Circles at the level of Chile is to keep motivating students by means of talks, hold marches of female creatives, take a census that helps us visualize our audience. Meanwhile the dynamic changes going on in our country influence other circles elsewhere to keep up their development and move it right along,” Amagada said.These Creative Women’s Circles are very well structured. They take censuses to see in numbers and in real data what is happening in their countries, and they give a lot of importance to training creative women.. “We’ve done so much with universities, starting with the education model and what girls study to be able to launch their careers while visualizing their future fortunes to inspire them. We have also done many things like webinars, we’ve brought in female creatives not only from advertising but from many other creative walks of life. We have also brought in creative directors to strengthen the portfolios of young women so they can keep climbing the ladder of success. And always, always trying to do it in such a constructive way that it helps us inspire those who are still studying,” said Arregui, president of the Creative Women’s Circle in Ecuador.“Encinas, Moya and Gonzalez recognized the effort and the success these creative women have had in their countries, while for them the creation of these networks has “failed with success.” Neither in Bolivia nor in Chile nor in Costa Rica do the usual Creative Circles exist. But the Creative Women’s Circle began exactly two years ago and in one month it was organized. It hasn’t stopped. ever since. I believe that happened because they had a pretty clear notion about which subjects and problems to tackle and this meant they began work with a consistency and coherence that led them to build something that has been supremely solid and serves as a real reference,” Encinas said.Moya also pointed to the Creative Women’s Circle of his country, Costa Rica. “It seems to me very important that it’s not just a case of putting women in worthy positions, but of the total equality I’ve seen at least in the principal agencies of my country, where they have adopted a much more businesslike responsibility, so to speak, of an equality of positions, an equality of salaries.” “For me it’s an example at a regional level of how much more has been activated in recent times,” said Flores with reference to the Creative Women’s Circles of LatAm. He noted the role of education in the regional development of creativity and innovation: “Education is key..”From the Creative Circle USA, Flores spoke of the various projects meant to stimulate creative talent. “I believe that basically it’s a question of how we can, from every angle of training and experience, help those with talent get ahead..”

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