FIAP Face to Face Webinar: Women have come to stay in the world of advertising and creativity

Josefina Blanco| 24 de abril de 2023

Face to Face Webinar 24 Abril

These days it is confirmed that women have won an important place in the advertising industry, often with their creativity. One reason is the region’s evolution to a more diverse and inclusive society, while another is the fight by women to win their rightful place in the industry. “It seems to me that what’s going on in advertising reflects what is happening to us as a society,” said Sofia Zermoglio, senior copywriter at Casanova/McCann. “It is precisely that reflection on society given by the media in general and advertising in particular that appears to me so strong and so important that it shows who we are, that we are here to stay, that we’re not leaving to go anywhere else, and that we have a ton of things to say and that creatively we’re immensely creative women,” she added. Zermoglio was one of the panelists on the new edition of the FIAP Face to Face Webinar, Women in Advertising from Different Persectives, which also featured Tessy Heyser, senior art director, and Marlene Venero, associate creative director, both of Casanova/McCann, an agency of women and minorities specialized in targeting Hispanics. The meeting was moderated by Mara Fernandez, chief transformational officer and associate editor for the U.S. Hispanic and Latin American markets of PRODU. For Venero, women in advertising have been creating their own secure places over time. “We have pushed it ito such an extent that we’ve been able to create a more authentic representation for women in advertising and better represent all of us. I believe a great part of challenging the industry is the many of us who have landed positions where we could create those spaces,” she said. “It’s thanks to us. We have managed to place women in positions they could never have reached before and it’s because we ourselves are breaking down the established norms.” Heyser noted that at present, women are using their power in advertising in a very different way from what they did some years ago. “I believe there has been a sexual change in advertising. It comes to my attention that we are now using that concept in a much smarter way, which is to say, now we are using our power – if we can put it like that – with work, with talent, with more intelligence than before.”Another subject addressed during the meeting was the role of the LGBT+ group and gender equality. Venero considers that this segment, which also fights for its spaces, has really contributed to the women’s movement: “I do feel that the LGBT+ community has a lot of power and a lot of voice for breaking into this industry and taking it in our favor. I am super open to seeing what they can contribute and add to this industry.” See the FIAP Face to Face Webinar Women in Advertising from Different Perspectives.

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