Forces Unite to Launch Hispanic Star Month of Action

Liz Unamo| 18 de mayo de 2020

Estamos Unidos - P&g & The Hispanic Star For Covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the worst crises in modern history, affecting people all over the world. The crisis has disproportionately affected U.S. Hispanics as more than 80% of working adults do so away from home providing essential services that help keep our country running. This presents numerous challenges to protect themselves and their families. Additionally, according to Pew Research, job and wage losses due to COVID-19 have hit Hispanic adults the hardest with 61% affected. This demands strong and immediate action. That is why We Are All Human’s Hispanic Star has united forces with Procter & Gamble (P&G), Círculo Creativo USA, and Culture Marketing Council to invite everyone to join forces to support Hispanics starting with a collective Month of Action. The Hispanic Star Month of Action will galvanize corporations, relief organizations, and individuals to act in unity and solidarity to begin addressing the urgent needs of the Hispanic community as a result of the impact of COVID-19. Following this month, the Hispanic Star movement will sustain relief and recovery efforts through Hispanic Heritage Month to help the Hispanic community shine their brightest.“P&G is committed to use our voice to help shine a light on the tremendous contributions Hispanic people and families are making to keep this country going,” said Marc Pritchard, Chief Brand Officer at Procter & Gamble. “This has been one of the most fulfilling creative projects of my entire career,” said Luis Miguel Messianu, Co-Chairman of the Board at Círculo Creativo and Creative Chairman and CEO at alma. “It is a matter of pride to develop such an overarching idea that brings together under one platform all the Hispanic organizations committed to being a combined force for good – at a crucial time for our communities in need.”For more information and to take action during the Hispanic Star Month of Action, please visit

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Andrés Baiz Director Pimpinero: sangre y gasolina

La población hispana en EE UU (1 de julio de 2023) representaba el 19,1% del total, es decir, 65,2 millones de personas, con expectativas de duplicarse para 2060. A pesar de esta demografía significativa, las marcas destinan solo un 4% de su presupuesto publicitario a esfuerzos dirigidos a hispanos, según el Hispanic Marketing Council.

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Estado de silencio explora los desafíos de la libertad de prensa en México desde la perspectiva de cuatro periodistas que valientemente los enfrentan. A través de sus relatos personales y las participaciones de otros reconocidos profesionales del medio, se abordan los riesgos que afrontan al reportar la verdad. El documental estrena en Netflix el 17 de octubre. Su productor ejecutivo, Diego Luna, comentó “Este es un documental que no debería existir, pero existe…”
