Héctor Barreto From The Latino Coalition: Our Summit Will Serve As the Driving Force For Latino Entrepreneurs

Manuela Walfenzao| 8 de septiembre de 2017

Barreto: Los empresarios latinos son el segmento de más rápido crecimiento en el sector de negocios en EE UU

The Latino Coalition (TLC), the national non-partisan advocacy organization representing Hispanic businesses and consumers, will host the Capturing the Momentum Summit: The Hispanic Economic Agenda at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C.This event will bring together government officials, small-business owners, and leading business executives to discuss the current economic environment and policies that can boost entrepreneurial opportunities.”Latino entrepreneurs make up the fastest growing segment of the U.S. business sector; our Summit will focus on how to capture the momentum of that high-growth sector of our economy” said Hector Barreto, TLC’s Chairman and former Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration. “Our expert speakers and informative panels will explore the current federal regulatory environment, the unfolding tax reform debate on Capitol Hill and the real challenges facing small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.”This premier one-day event will also offer unique peer networking opportunities. Throughout the summit, attendees will hear from a premier lineup of business experts, White House Administration appointees and elected officials including: Rudy M. Beserra, Senior VP, Latin Affairs for The Coca-Cola Company; Gerónimo Gutiérrez, Ambassador of Mexico to the United States; Melissa Lavinson, Vice President Federal Affairs and Policy, PG&E Corporation; Bernie McKay, Chief Public Policy Officer, VP Global Corporate Affairs at Intuit; and Thomas M. Sullivan, Vice President of Small Business Policy at U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “Small business confidence is at its highest in almost a decade, inspired by an Administration that ‘gets’ job creators. We look forward to a dynamic summit that will serve as the driving force for entrepreneurs to continue investing and growing their business, in turn fueling the economic recovery of this great nation” Barreto concluded.

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