Ilhan Zengin of ShowHeroes Group: Mexico offers endless opportunities for digital advertising

Claudia Smolansky| 23 de mayo de 2022

Ilhan Zengin de ShowHeroes Group

ShowHeroes has arrived in Mexico, a country with a population of over 130 million, which makes it the largest Spanish-speaking nation in Latin America, and which for Ilhan Zengin, CEO of ShowHeroes Group, makes it the ideal point of entry to the region, as well as a bridge to the United States, where a prosperous Latin American community grows larger the more time passes. “Beyond the fact that Mexico is the largest Spanish-speaking country of the region, it is also a market with a gross domestic product (GDP) of more than $1trillion, which makes it the third largest economy in the Americas. In addition, the Mexican digital advertising market has a value of over $2 billion annually and has a yearly growth of more than 25 percent, which makes it the second largest advertising market in the Americas. With advertising on video and connected TV (CTV) driving a large part of this growth, Mexico offers endless opportunities for ShowHeroes,” Zengin insisted. ShowHeroes Group is a leading independent global provider of video solutions for publishers and digital advertisers. The company was founded in 2016 and has more than 250 employees worldwide, with headquarters in Berlin and offices in Madrid, Milan, Moscow, New York, Paris, Riga, Stockholm and elsewhere around the world. According to the British multinational services company Deloitte, ShowHeroes is one of the 50 fastest growing technology outfits in Germany and won the Technology Fast 50 award in 2021. The company now seeks to spread this expansion throughout Latin America, where Zengin noted that the online advertising market has hit a double-digit annual growth figure, with video emerging as the “star of the show” as it doubled in size over the past five years. He also observed that there is a growing and generalized adoption of CTV.“Global advertisers, particularly those in the United States, are particularly interested in taking advantage of this lucrative market. The acquisition of Smartclip LatAm by ShowHeroes has given us a solid position for helping it profit from this market. Smartclip has over 218 million unique viewers in Latin America, more than 106 million unique viewers in Brazil (with coverage of 82.9 percent) according to Comscore, and connects with CTV on some 130 million devices. If you combine this with ShowHeroes’ advanced video solutions of semantic orientation, you get a real power of leadership on the Latin American advertising market,” he said. As for the benefits that ShowHeroes offers editors and advertisers, Zengin said there exists an enormous demand on the part of advertisers for premium video and CTV content. “Unfortunately, editors often lack the resources to produce this content on their own platforms. Thanks to our content-production studio and video library, ShowHeroes can offer editors this premium content in a most efficient and profitable way. And what’s more important, we can also help them monetize this content,” he said. At the same time, he indicated that their technology of semantic orientation, driven by artificial intelligence, allows this video content to include relevant ads, which helps advertisers reach relevant viewers in environments of premium video and CTV, without requiring any personal data.He concluded by saying that their main objectives include establishing the ShowHeroes business and brand in Latin America and then spurring its growth onward and upward. “In the coming months, we’ll continue to integrate the capabilities of ShowHeroes and Smartclip to the benefit of all our clients. To the degree that we grow, we’ll also look to making more purchases on the market and launching other offices. We’re very excited about the possibilities in store for us over the next two years,” Zengin said.

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