IPG Mediabrands and Microsoft study shows consumers interested in sharing their digital info with brands

19 de junio de 2013

Sue Mosley, Chief Performance Officer de Initiative

During the 2013 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, IPG Mediabrands and Microsoft presented the press with a study taken jointly that shows 45 percent of consumers worldwide are willing to share their digital information with brands in exchange for relevant, useful advertising. The research also shows that over the next 10 years, technology will become more useful in people’s daily life. An average of 80 percent of consumers in China, Brazil and Russia say they feel good about getting recommendations based on data such as their daily schedules, friends and interests.Bill Buxton, a principal researcher at Microsoft, said that “technology is beginning to recede from something that is just a device or a website, into people’s physical, social and cultural environment. It should quietly augment, nurture and facilitate our lives, not as intrusions, but as companions, that work seamlessly together and make our lives better. Brands should investigate how they can be present at these important inflection points in people’s lives in value-added ways”.

The study shows the opportunities for those brands that can add openness, transparency and an element of surprise to their marketing efforts. Some 59 percent of global consumers show a greater readiness to buy a product or service that offers a reward in exchange for their digital data, since no less than 48 percent consider their digital identity has real value.

According to Sue Moseley, chief performance officer at Initiative, “the research reveals that in the future, there will be a step change in consumers’ expectations of brands. Consumers and brands will enter a series of value exchanges where they will continuously negotiate the terms of the exchange”.

Diario de Hoy

jueves, 16 de enero de 2025


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Duda Rodrigues Calinos
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