Juanes at the Latin Music Billboard Conference: Social media networks put all of us at the same level

22 de abril de 2014

Juanes: Las redes sociales tienen dos ramas, la corporativos y la humana

Among the artists invited to participate in the Latin Music Billboard Conference was Juanes, who accompanied by Ingrid Otero, Terra USA Programming Executive Head and Horacio Rodriguez, Senior Head of digital advertising at Universal Music Latin Entertainment, talked about the successful launch of his new album through the Terra Live Music platform.Juanes, who, among other things, has a great command of social media, with more than 9 million followers in Twitter, could break all the company’s records, with more than one million viewers with his live concert on “Terra Live Music is an incredible tool, since it allows showcasing the complete live album and your fans around the world can enjoy it”.The singer assures that the industry has changed a lot during the past few years. “It is not just about selling records, but to know how to promote yourself in the different scenarios that are today’s reality. Young people don’t buy CDs, they’d rather listen to their favorite music on Vevo or Rhapsody” he added.As an expert on social media, he assures that they have two branches. “The corporate one, where the artist talks and the other is where the human being shares his or her everyday life” he explained.During the panel, the artist got awarded by Terra for reaching one million visits to his live concert. Additionally, Universal Music Latin gave him a platinum disc for the high sales of his album Loco de amor, in the USA.

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