Luis Felipe Rios of the community: A creative copywriter must learn something new with every brief

Liz Unamo| 12 de septiembre de 2022

Luis Felipe Rio de The Community Miami

Luis Felipe Rios is a Peruvian creative copywriter in the Miami ad agency known as “the community.” A graduate of UPC (Lima) and currently a student at UAB (Barcelona), he spoke about the sense of responsibility developed by research and creating ideas. “One very important part of the work is creating presentation texts for selling ideas to clients, co-workers, influencers and celebrities,” he said. “After that comes the responsibility of working up the copy for ideas to be used both on TV and social media.”Though not in charge of an account, he speaks of the freedom that this gives him, since his activities are determined by the projects that enter the agency. “Our directors determine on which projects each of us can do the best possible work. So that in this short time, I’ve had the chance to work on Meta, Capitan Morgan and Smirnoff, among others.”Rios, who admits to a passion for photography, basketball, video games and Olympic archery, said that one characteristic of the person who occupies his position ought to be curiosity and the willingness to learn. “A creative copywriter must be ready at all times to learn new things with every brief and from his day to day activities – which makes life easier and much more entertaining. At the same time, the curiosity to wonder, question and understand keeps us fresh, and in one’s personal life I think it helps us find solutions.”As for the contrast between living in Latin America and moving to the U.S., he said that one challenge of a multicultural market is the constant learning, “not only from the professionals I work with, but also every time I go out in the streets, talk with someone and learn what it’s like living somewhere completely different.” The community has served as an example for Rios thanks to its creative quality. “When I began working at JWT, my mentors showed me a number of campaigns by ‘la comu’ (as it was called before being dubbed the community). Some were from when I was six years old but I still think they’re funny. Work by the community over the years always kept me interested in working there one day. The fact that the community is my first agency outside of Brazil is a dream come true.”

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