Maddy Kramer of inVisible Creatives: The Woman Postcard collection celebrates centennial of women’s right to vote and helps support USPS

Manuela Walfenzao| 18 de agosto de 2020

Postcards Women Deck

Maddy Kramer, founder of inVisible Creatives, created together with her team a new edition of The Woman Card deck to celebrate on August 18, 2020, the 100 years since women won the right to vote in the U.S. – but the project underwent a recent shift..“We changed the course of the idea because we felt we had to help the United States Postal Service (USPS) somehow, since our vote in the middle of a pandemic depends on it.” That is why they have now produced The Woman Postcard collection, and each pack of postcards comes with a set of stamps to help support the mail service. “As a Hispanic, this doesn’t feel so far from home and that is scary. Having a president who can say publicly on television that he took funds away from the mail service so that Democrats couldn´t vote is something never seen in the U.S.,” Kramer said. “On August 18 we celebrated 100 years since the 19th Amendment established women’s right to vote, while we see how someone threatens us with taking away that right. Today more than ever we have to go out and fight to protect it.” “We must celebrate the 100th anniversary by exercising our right to vote this year. Women fought for our right to vote for years. If we don’t like any of the candidates, the least we can do is go vote to honor the hard work that granted us our right,” Kramer added.

Diario de Hoy (13)