MADE and Amazon make history at Effie Awards Mexico 2022

Claudia Smolansky| 7 de diciembre de 2022

Effie Awards y MADE

The agency MADE and its client Amazon won three awards in the categories of E-Commerce (gold), Business and Stores (bronze) and Performance Marketing (bronze) for their Season of Prizes campaign. For Juan Antonio Soberanis, head of Planning at MADE, part of this campaign’s success stemmed from an understanding that the pressure applied by clients gets stronger all the time, and creativity alone is not enough to deal with it, since response to a well-defined objective is also needed. The Effies are rightly known as awards that honor campaigns’ effectiveness.“We’ve shown that at the strategic level we understand what the client wants and we know how to apply that to his campaigns. We must know how to listen in order to understand the client’s business and that he is simply out to sell his products. In the cases we deal with, including that of this Amazon prizewinner, we have an effectiveness that tops 75 percent,” Soberanis said. He explained that the case of Amazon was a global request of the company since they understood that they couldn’t use the same campaign in all countries.“To win that local campaign, we considered Mexico’s cultural differences. A Mexican dad who makes purchases for a Buen Fin or Navidad (Happy New Year or Merry Christmas) has different things in mind than an American daddy who goes shopping on Black Friday. It’s an anthropological approach with a deep understanding of the consumer. Thanks to those insights, Amazon became the biggest e-commerce seller in Mexico, which shows the effectiveness of its advertising. And undoubtedly, that went hand-in-hand with an excellent brand,” he added.He finally noted that with this campaign, they tried to make the consumer feel identified and connected with the message, and from that feeling would come an intention to purchase.

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