Altered.LA and Casa Comedy have partnered in the production of a new comedy special for Netflix titled Zona Rosa. It is a four-episode series, each one with a different standup comedian, either Ray Contreras, Ana Julia Yeye, Pablo Moran or Manu Nna, all members of the LGBTQ+ community. Marcos Cline, executive producer of Altered.LA, shared news about the project. “We knew it time to create a special in which LGBTQ+ comedians could stand out, but doing it in tune with a new world, one that respects individual differences and a diversity of experiences and opinions,” he said. “Five years ago we would not have been able to put on this special due to the prejudice that existed. Today, Mexico and Latin America have moved towards acceptance. We know it, the comedians and their fans know it, and Netflix also knows it.” He noted that Altered.LA has always been a proactive, multidisciplinary production company. “We understand that storytelling and creativity are not one-dimensional, but weird bugs that require rich experiences. At the same time, we know that opportunities don’t show up on their own: we must create them. The fact that we are ending 2019 with five comedy specials on Netflix, another about to be launched and potentially more on the way, not only satisfies me as owner of the production company, knowing we have established a model that can be repeated, but also for the experience this has given us to improve all our other projects: advertising, experiential, and the original-content ones we are currently working on.” He concluded that working with the Netflix team has been a treat. “Netflix has a passionate, informed team that is on hand all the time to help stimulate creativity. We complement each other in an organic way and this makes the entire process a deeply satisfying and, above all, fun experience,” Cline said.