Marina Cuesta joins The Marketing Arm, says Latino agencies still have hard-to-break glass ceilings

Liz Unamo| 1 de septiembre de 2021

Marina Cuesta de TMA

From her new position at The Marketing Arm, Marina Cuesta gave thanks for her seven years with Dieste and spoke about the challenges of her current job and the opportunities of working for a Total Market agency. “There are many positive aspects I weighed when it came time to move on. One of them was the chance to have new experiences with clients, which are sometimes the same but whose goals for the general market can differ a lot from those they have established for the Hispanic market,” she said. Another point, Cuesta added, is her own personal growth in the business. “Latino agencies continue to have glass ceilings that are hard to break – for example, top creative director positions are for men only. In fact, I’m still involved with the Creative Circle because my goal is to keep moving up in order to show young female creatives that we have a lot to offer, so we don’t have to limit ourselves to Latino agencies.” As a group creative director, one of her greatest responsibilities is to form an excellent creative team, while bringing to bear a vision based on diversity and multiculturalism that coincides with the agency’s diverse, multicultural audiences. “Right now I’m working on a FritoLay campaign. It’s incredible the portfolio of clients I have, the likes of which I never would have imagined. I have a lot to thank Dieste for in these seven years of trust and teaching. But now I have a vision for the future and am very excited about my new challenges,” Cuesta said.

Diario de Hoy (13)